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In Laravel, you can define relationships between tables using Eloquent, the object-relational mapping (ORM) tool built into the framework. There are three types of relationships you can define:

  1. One-to-One: This relationship is defined when each record in one table corresponds to exactly one record in another table.

  2. One-to-Many: This relationship is defined when each record in one table can correspond to multiple records in another table.

  3. Many-to-Many: This relationship is defined when multiple records in one table can correspond to multiple records in another table.

You can define these relationships by adding foreign keys to your database tables and then defining the corresponding relationships in your Eloquent models. For example, if you have a "users" table and a "posts" table, you might define a one-to-many relationship between them by adding a "user_id" foreign key to the "posts" table and then defining a "user" method on your "Post" model that returns a belongsTo relationship to the "User" model.