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The combination of Undetected_chromedriver and Seleniumwire can be used to run web scraping tasks in a stealthy mode, while also allowing for advanced network request control.

Undetected_chromedriver is a Python library that allows you to use Chrome Driver without detection by server-side detection mechanisms. This library removes common browser fingerprints, modifies browser settings, and uses a more randomized execution pattern to evade detection.

Seleniumwire is a Python library that provides advanced network request control, allowing you to inspect, intercept, and modify requests on-the-fly. This library can be used in conjunction with Chrome Driver to capture, manipulate, and examine all HTTP requests and responses between a browser and a website.

By combining these two libraries, you can create web scraping scripts that are more difficult to detect and more powerful. You can use Undetected_chromedriver to reduce the chances of being detected, and use Seleniumwire to analyze and modify network requests as needed, allowing you to scrape sites more effectively and accurately.