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There could be a few reasons why you are unable to change the size of columns in the DetailsList component of Fluent UI:

  1. Column resizing may not be enabled: Ensure that the "isResizable" prop on your columns is set to true. If this is not set, columns will not be resizable.

  2. Flexbox properties are interfering: Make sure that there are no flexbox properties, such as "flex: 1", on the columns or their parent container that may be preventing the columns from resizing properly.

  3. Minimum column width is set: Check if the "minWidth" prop is set on your columns. If the minimum column width is set, you may not be able to resize the column below this value.

  4. Styling is causing issues: Check if any custom styling on the columns or their parent container is interfering with the resizing functionality.

  5. Bugs or issues with the DetailsList component: It is possible that there may be bugs or issues with the DetailsList component that are preventing you from resizing columns. Check the documentation and any available issue trackers to see if others have reported similar issues.