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To arrange the text within the nodes of an XML document using Groovy, follow these steps:

  1. Load the XML document: Use the XmlSlurper class in Groovy to parse and load the XML document. This creates a tree-like structure of nodes and elements in memory.

  2. Traverse the nodes: Traverse the nodes in the XML document using the each() method of the XmlSlurper class. This method allows you to iterate over a collection of nodes and apply operations to each node.

  3. Modify the text: Access the text content of each node using the text() method. You can modify the text content by assigning a new value to it.

  4. Save the modified XML document: After modifying the text content of the nodes, use the XmlUtil class in Groovy to convert the XML tree structure back into a string representation. This string can be saved as a new XML file.