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To use Gmail SMTP to send emails in Ruby, you can use the following steps:

  1. Install the gem 'mail' by running the following command in your terminal:

    gem install mail
  2. Create a new Ruby file and require the 'mail' gem:

    require 'mail'
  3. Set up your Gmail account credentials:

    options = {
     :address              => "",
     :port                 => 587,
     :user_name            => "",
     :password             => "your_password",
     :authentication       => "plain",
     :enable_starttls_auto => true
  4. Use the 'mail' gem to create a new email:

    Mail.defaults do
     delivery_method :smtp, options
    email = do
     from    ''
     to      ''
     subject 'This is a test email'
     body    'Hello World!'
  5. Send the email using the 'deliver' method:


And that's it! Your code should be able to send an email using Gmail SMTP.