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There could be several reasons for this issue:

  1. The code editor might not support code completion.
  2. The code completion feature might be disabled in the settings.
  3. The code being typed might not match any suggestions in the code completion list.
  4. The code completion list might be hidden or a shortcut key might be needed to display it.
  5. There might be a lag in the system or the code editor, causing a delay in displaying the code completion list.

To troubleshoot this issue, try the following:

  1. Check the documentation of the code editor to see if code completion is supported and how to activate it.
  2. Check the settings of the code editor to see if the code completion feature is enabled.
  3. Check if the code being typed matches any suggestions in the code completion list or try typing a different code to see if the code completion list appears.
  4. Check the shortcut keys or menu options to display the code completion list.
  5. Close and reopen the code editor, or try running it on a different system to see if the issue persists.