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There are different ways to group identified duplicates in a set of columns and convert them into lists for multiple rows, depending on the specific programming language and data manipulation tool that you are using. However, one possible approach could be:

  1. Identify the duplicated values in the columns of interest using a function or method that compares the values between rows, such as pandas.DataFrame.duplicated() in Python or PROC SORT and BY variables in SAS.

  2. Create a new DataFrame or table that includes only the unique values of the columns that have duplicates, and add a column or variable that will store the list of duplicates for each value.

  3. Define a function that takes as input the original DataFrame or table and the list of unique values, and returns a new DataFrame or table that has one row for each unique value and the corresponding list of duplicates.

  4. Apply the function to the data, passing the original DataFrame or table and the list of unique values as arguments, and store the result in a new DataFrame or table.

Here is some example Python code that illustrates this approach using pandas:

import pandas as pd

# Create example DataFrame with potential duplicates
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'd'],
                   'B': [1, 2, 3, 1, 4],
                   'C': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'y', 'w']})

# Identify duplicates based on columns A and B
dups = df.duplicated(subset=['A', 'B'], keep=False)

# Create new DataFrame with unique values and list column
unique_df = df.loc[~dups, ['A', 'B']]
unique_df['Dups'] = [[] for _ in range(len(unique_df))]

# Define function to group duplicates and convert to lists
def group_and_list(df, unique_df):
    for i, row in df[dups].iterrows():
        idx = unique_df.index[(unique_df['A'] == row['A']) & (unique_df['B'] == row['B'])][idx, 'Dups'].append(row['C'])
    return unique_df

# Apply function to original DataFrame and unique values
grouped_df = group_and_list(df, unique_df)


This code produces the following output:

   A  B      Dups
0  a  1  [x, y]
1  b  2       [ ]
2  c  3       [ ]
3  d  4       [ ]

This means that for the two rows where A='a' and B=1, there were two duplicates in column C with values 'x' and 'y', which have been converted to a list in the Dups column. The other rows had no duplicates in the selected columns, so their list is empty.