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There are a few options to increase the panning of windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan":

  1. Use a ScrollView: Wrap the entire layout in a ScrollView to allow the user to scroll to see the bottom of the screen if necessary.

  2. Add padding to the bottom of the layout: Add padding to the bottom of the layout to provide space for the soft keyboard to appear without covering any important content.

  3. Use ConstraintLayout: Use ConstraintLayout to create a flexible layout that adapts to the size of the keyboard. This will ensure that the content remains visible when the keyboard is visible.

  4. Adjust the windowSoftInputMode setting: Change the windowSoftInputMode setting to "adjustResize" instead of "adjustPan". This will allow the layout to resize when the keyboard is visible, which may increase the amount of screen space available for panning.

  5. Use a custom keyboard: Use a custom keyboard that takes up less screen space, leaving more room for the app's content.