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Yes, it is possible to examine species scores through an ordination test like a Redundancy Analysis (RDA). RDA is a multivariate statistical technique that allows the examination of the relationships between response variables (e.g., species abundances) and environmental variables (e.g., habitat characteristics). RDA produces ordination plots that visualize the relationships between the response and environmental variables, and allows the interpretation of the importance and direction of each environmental variable in shaping the species composition.

In RDA, the species scores can be examined by plotting them as vectors in the ordination plot, where the length and direction of the vectors show the strength and direction of the association between the species and the environmental variables. The vector plot can provide insights into which species are most strongly associated with particular environmental variables and can reveal patterns in the community composition that may be related to environmental gradients.

Overall, RDA is a useful tool for examining the relationship between species abundances and environmental variables and can provide valuable insights into the factors shaping ecological communities.