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The ARDL model can be utilized for forecasting by following these steps:

  1. Collect and organize data: The first step is to collect and organize the historical data on the variables of interest. This data should be arranged in a time series format.

  2. Choose variables: Next, choose the variables that you want to include in the analysis. These variables should be related to the phenomenon you are interested in, and should have a significant impact on the dependent variable.

  3. Test for stationarity: Before building the ARDL model, it is important to test for stationarity of the variables. This is important because the ARDL model requires stationarity of the variables, otherwise the results may be biased or misleading.

  4. Build the ARDL model: Once the variables are stationary, build the ARDL model using Python's statsmodel. This involves specifying the appropriate lags and exogenous variables.

  5. Evaluate the model: Evaluate the performance of the ARDL model by analyzing the goodness of fit statistics, such as R-squared and adjusted R-squared.

  6. Utilize the model for forecasting: Finally, utilize the ARDL model for forecasting future values of the dependent variable, by inputting the exogenous variables and lagged values of the dependent variable into the model.

Overall, the ARDL model can be a useful tool for forecasting, as it allows for the incorporation of both lagged and exogenous variables, and can provide insight into the causal relationships between variables. However, it is important to ensure that the variables are stationary and that the model is well-specified before relying on it for forecasting.