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The time-consuming process of creating a CSV containing 200,000 lines using Oracle PL/SQL may involve multiple steps and factors, including:

  1. Querying the data: Depending on the complexity of the data and the size of the tables, querying the data can take a significant amount of time. The query should be optimized to minimize the execution time.

  2. Formatting the data: Once the data is retrieved, formatting it in a CSV file can be a time-consuming process. This includes selecting the appropriate delimiter, enclosing fields in quotes, and ensuring that special characters are escaped properly.

  3. Writing to disk: As the data is formatted, it needs to be written to disk, which can also take a considerable amount of time. This is more significant for large data sets.

  4. Transaction management: In PL/SQL, transactions need to be managed properly to ensure data consistency and avoid locking issues. This can further add to the processing time.

Overall, the time it takes to create a CSV file containing 200,000 lines using Oracle PL/SQL will depend on the complexity of the data, the efficiency of the query and formatting, the performance of the disk, and the transaction management logic implemented.