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Yes, it is possible to modify a passed JSON object in Javascript/QML and save the changes for future utilization. Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

let myObject = {name: "John", age: 30}; = "Mike"; // Modify the name property
localStorage.setItem("myObject", JSON.stringify(myObject)); // Store the modified object in localStorage

// Retrieve the modified object from localStorage
let retrievedObject = localStorage.getItem("myObject");
console.log(JSON.parse(retrievedObject)); // Output: {name: "Mike", age: 30}

In this example, we first create an object myObject with two properties - name and age. We then modify the name property and store the modified object in localStorage using JSON.stringify() method. Later, we retrieve the object from localStorage using getItem() method and parse it using JSON.parse() method to get the modified object.