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To parse a TOML document using Java, you can use a TOML parser library. Here are the steps:

  1. Choose a TOML parser library for Java, such as TOML4j or toml-parsers.

  2. Add the TOML parser library dependency to your Java project using your project's build tool, such as Maven or Gradle.

  3. Use the TOML parser library API to parse the TOML document.

For example, if you are using TOML4j, you can parse a TOML document like this:

import com.moandjiezana.toml.Toml;

Toml toml = new Toml().read("key1 = 'value1'\nkey2 = 123\n");
String key1 = toml.getString("key1"); // returns "value1"
int key2 = toml.getLong("key2").intValue(); // returns 123

In this example, the Toml class in the TOML4j library is used to read a TOML document string and provide methods to access the parsed key-value pairs. The getString and getLong methods are used to retrieve the values for the key1 and key2 keys, respectively.