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To maintain Firebase user authentication in React Native, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the Firebase SDK in your React Native project.

  2. Set up a Firebase project and enable authentication in the Firebase console.

  3. Initialize Firebase in your React Native project using the Firebase configuration details.

  4. Implement the Firebase authentication methods such as signInWithEmailAndPassword(), createUserWithEmailAndPassword(), signInWithGoogle() etc.

  5. Store the user authentication state in the local component state or global state management system like Redux.

  6. Add a listener to detect changes in the user authentication state and update the state management accordingly.

  7. Use conditional rendering to display content based on the user authentication status.

  8. Make sure to handle errors and provide a user-friendly error message when authentication fails.

  9. Consider implementing additional security measures like two-factor authentication and secure storage if needed.

  10. Test your authentication flow in different scenarios to make sure it's working as expected.