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Yes, antlr4 parsers could face significant lexical context issues. This is because antlr4 parsers operate with a lexical context-free grammar, which means that they cannot always recognize certain language constructs that depend on the context in which they appear. In such cases, the parser may return unexpected or incorrect results, or it may fail to recognize valid input altogether.

One example of a lexical context issue that could arise is ambiguity in the meaning of certain keywords or symbols depending on their context in the code. For example, the meaning of the symbol '+' could differ depending on whether it appears in an arithmetic or string concatenation context.

Another issue could occur when dealing with language constructs that have different meanings depending on their context, such as function overloading or polymorphism. In such cases, the antlr4 parser may have difficulty determining the correct meaning of the construct and may fail to produce the expected results.

In summary, while antlr4 is a powerful tool for parsing code, it is important for developers to be aware of the potential for lexical context issues and to implement strategies to address them where necessary.