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Combining two CodeIgniter-based PHP projects can be achieved by following the steps below:

  1. Identify the common components and libraries used in both projects.

  2. Create a new empty CodeIgniter project and then copy common components and libraries into it.

  3. Identify the differences in the two projects and resolve any conflicts in the files, class names, and database configurations.

  4. Combine the controllers, views, and models of both projects into a single unified structure.

  5. Modify the routes file to ensure that the URLs and URIs of the combined project are appropriately mapped.

  6. Test and debug the new combined project for any errors.

  7. Deploy the new project to the server where the original projects were hosted.

  8. Ensure that the database configurations are correct for the new installed project.

  9. Optimize the new project for better performance.

  10. Backup the old projects before removing them from the server.