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Yes, when using OMXMLBuilderFactory.createOMBuilder().getDocumentElement(), all elements without a body will be created as empty elements. This means that the element will have an opening tag and a closing tag, but there will be no content in between. The following example demonstrates this:

XML input:

  <emptyElement />
  <nonEmptyElement>Some text</nonEmptyElement>

Java code:

OMElement rootElement = OMXMLBuilderFactory.createOMBuilder().getDocumentElement();
OMElement emptyElement = rootElement.getFirstChildWithName(QName.valueOf("emptyElement"));
OMElement nonEmptyElement = rootElement.getFirstChildWithName(QName.valueOf("nonEmptyElement"));



<nonEmptyElement>Some text</nonEmptyElement>

As you can see, the empty element is created as <emptyElement/>.