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Here are some recommendations for setting up the best VS Code workspace to work with a variety of remote development virtual machines and test clusters:

  1. Install the Remote Development extension for VS Code, which allows you to easily connect to remote machines or containers.

  2. Use the SSH extension, which allows you to connect to remote machines using SSH.

  3. Use the Docker extension, which allows you to work with Docker containers and images.

  4. Use the Kubernetes extension, which allows you to work with Kubernetes clusters.

  5. Use the Remote - SSH extension, which allows you to connect to remote machines and edit files directly on the remote machine.

  6. Use the Remote - WSL extension, which allows you to connect to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) instances on your local machine.

  7. Use the Live Share extension, which allows you to collaborate in real-time with others on your workspace.

  8. Configure your VS Code workspace to use a specific SSH key or identity file when connecting to remote machines.

  9. Use the VS Code task runner to automate common actions, such as connecting to a remote machine or starting a Docker container.

  10. Use the VS Code Debugger to debug code running on a remote machine.

By following these recommendations, you can set up a powerful and flexible workspace that can easily connect to and work with a variety of remote development virtual machines and test clusters.