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To use xsdata [CLI] to create a model for multiple JSON files, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder where you want to store your model files.

  2. Copy all your JSON files to this folder.

  3. Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to this folder.

  4. Install the xsdata package by running the following command:

    pip install xsdata
  5. In the same folder, create an XML schema file that defines the structure of your JSON files. You can use a tool like JsonSchema2Pojo or jsonschema2xml to convert your JSON schema to an XML schema.

  6. Run the following command to create your model files:

    xsdata generate --schema <your_schema_file>.xsd --output <output_folder>

    Replace <your_schema_file> with the name of your XML schema file and <output_folder> with the name of the folder where you want to store your generated model files.

  7. xsdata will create Python files for your model classes in the specified output folder.

  8. You can import these classes into your application to parse and manipulate your JSON data.