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To instruct Dependabot to maintain the identical version of several Java libraries, you can add a version or versions field to your configuration file, specifying the version(s) you want to use.

For example, if you want to use version 1.2.3 of two libraries called library-a and library-b, you can add the following to your dependabot.yml configuration file:

  - package-ecosystem: "maven"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"
        - dependency-name: "library-a"
          type: "direct"
        - dependency-name: "library-b"
          type: "direct"
      library-a: "1.2.3"
      library-b: "1.2.3"

This will ensure that Dependabot only updates those libraries to version 1.2.3, and not to any other version that may be available.