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There could be several reasons why the process of updating R on a Macbook Pro M1 Max is slow:

  1. Limited resources: If your Macbook Pro M1 Max has limited resources like RAM or processing power, the update process may take longer as it requires a lot of resources to complete.

  2. Slow internet speed: If you have a slow internet connection, the download process can take longer, leading to a delay in the overall update process.

  3. Other running applications: If you have other applications running on your Macbook Pro M1 Max, they might consume system resources and slow down the update process.

  4. Technical glitches: There might be technical glitches or system errors that could cause the update process to slow down or stop altogether.

  5. Large size updates: If you are updating R to a new version, the update file may be large, and it could take longer to download and install.

To speed up the update process, try restarting your Macbook Pro M1 Max, closing other applications, ensuring you have a stable internet connection, and freeing up system resources by closing unnecessary applications or deleting temporary files.