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The process of establishing the logging file or directory in Abseil Python involves the following steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules: To use the logging feature in Abseil Python, you need to import the absl.logging and logging modules.

  2. Set the logging directory: You can set the logging directory using the absl.logging.get_absl_handler() method. This method returns a logging.FileHandler object which can be used to set the logging directory.

  3. Configure the logging handler: Once you have created the logging handler, you can configure it using the logging.Handler.setFormatter() method. This method sets the format of the log messages that will be written to the log file.

  4. Set the root logger level: Finally, you can set the root logger level using the logging.getLogger().setLevel() method. This method sets the minimum logging level that will be recorded in the log file.

Here is a sample code snippet that demonstrates this process:

import absl.logging
import logging

# Set the logging directory
handler = absl.logging.get_absl_handler()

# Configure the logging handler

# Set the root logger level

# Now you can use the logging methods to write messages to the log file."This is an info message")
logging.warning("This is a warning message")
logging.error("This is an error message")