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Flutter is a mobile development framework that does not work with the Window object because it is designed for building native mobile apps. However, if you are using Flutter for building a web app, you can access the Window object using the dart:js library.

To access the custom properties in the Window object, you can use the following code:

import 'dart:js' as js;

void main() {
  // Set a custom property on the Window object
  js.context['myCustomProperty'] = 'Hello world';

  // Retrieve the custom property from the Window object
  String customProperty = js.context['myCustomProperty'];

  // Print the custom property value
  print(customProperty); // Outputs 'Hello world'

In this example, we set a custom property 'myCustomProperty' on the Window object using js.context. We then retrieve the value of the same property using js.context['myCustomProperty']. Finally, we print the value of the custom property.

Note that this code only works for web applications, as Flutter doesn't have access to the Window object when building native applications.