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The process for duplicating AWS resources in Terraform following a change in the module being employed can be summarized as follows:

  1. Identify the resources that need to be duplicated based on the changes made in the module.

  2. Create a copy of the existing Terraform configuration file for the module in a new directory.

  3. Make the required changes to the copied Terraform configuration file, for example, renaming resources, changing their attributes, or adding new resources.

  4. Update any input variables or output values that may have been affected by the changes.

  5. Verify that the changes made in the copied Terraform configuration file are correct.

  6. Apply the changes using the Terraform CLI, and check for any errors or warnings.

  7. Once the changes have been successfully applied, verify that the duplicated resources are created as intended and functioning correctly.

  8. If necessary, clean up any existing resources that have been superseded by the duplicated resources.

  9. Document the changes made to the Terraform configuration and the reasons for the duplication.

  10. Repeat the steps as required for any other modules that need to be duplicated due to changes in their configuration.