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To configure the terminal in Visual Studio Code to show accented letters and the Cyrillic alphabet, follow these steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code and navigate to the settings.

  2. In the search bar, type "terminal.integrated.shellArgs".

  3. Scroll down to "Terminal > Integrated > Shell Args: Windows" if you're using Windows, "Terminal > Integrated > Shell Args: macOS" if you're using macOS, or "Terminal > Integrated > Shell Args: Linux" if you're using Linux.

  4. Add the following line to the list of arguments:

--input-charset=UTF-8 --output-charset=UTF-8

This will configure the terminal to use UTF-8 encoding, which supports accented letters and the Cyrillic alphabet.

  1. Save your changes and restart Visual Studio Code.

Your terminal should now display accented letters and the Cyrillic alphabet correctly.