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The reason for failure to deliver the payload in Jenkins and Github integration due to server connectivity issues could be any of the following:

  1. Firewall: There could be a firewall blocking the connection between the Jenkins server and Github.

  2. Proxy: If the Jenkins server is behind a proxy and it's not configured correctly, it can cause connectivity issues.

  3. VPN: If the Jenkins server is connected to a VPN network, it might be blocking the connection to Github.

  4. Wrong credentials: If the Jenkins server does not have the correct Github credentials, it might not be able to connect to Github.

  5. Github API limit: Github imposes a limit on the number of API calls per hour. If the Jenkins server exceeds this limit, it might not be able to connect to Github.

  6. GitHub URL: If the URL of the Github repository is incorrect, it might cause connectivity issues.

  7. Server Maintenance: If Github is down for maintenance or experiencing an outage, the Jenkins server won't be able to connect to it.