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To use Python regex to identify words that satisfy the condition of AND, you can use the (?=...) syntax, which is a positive lookahead assertion.

For example, if you want to find all the words in a sentence that contain both "apple" and "banana", you can use the following regex pattern:


Here, \b matches the word boundary, \w matches any word character, + means one or more occurrences. The (?=\w*apple) and (?=\w*banana) are positive lookahead assertions that check whether the word contains "apple" and "banana".

To use this pattern in Python, you can use the re.findall() function:

import re

sentence = "I have an apple and a banana. The banana is next to the apple."
pattern = r"\b(?=\w*apple)(?=\w*banana)\w+\b"

matches = re.findall(pattern, sentence)

# ['banana']

This will return ['banana'], which is the only word in the sentence that contains both "apple" and "banana".