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Here are the steps to host a FastAPI project in Python on Azure Functions:

  1. Create an Azure account and sign in to the Azure Portal.
  2. Click on the '+' button in the left-hand side of the portal.
  3. Choose 'Function App' under 'Compute'.
  4. Enter a unique name for your Function App, and choose your preferred subscription, resource group, and hosting plan.
  5. Click on 'Create' to create your Function App.
  6. Once your Function App is created, navigate to the 'Functions' tab and click on the 'New function' button.
  7. Choose 'HTTP trigger' and enter a name for your function.
  8. In the 'New HTTP trigger' window, choose the 'Python' language stack, and choose the 'FastAPI' template.
  9. Once your function is created, it will have a basic FastAPI endpoint in the function code. Customize this endpoint based on your application requirements.
  10. Deploy your FastAPI project to Azure Functions using a deployment tool or manually through the Azure Portal.
  11. Test your deployed FastAPI project by navigating to the Azure Function URL or calling the endpoint with a tool like Postman.

That's it! You should now have a FastAPI project up and running on Azure Functions.