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To include notes on maps in Stata, you can use the "label" command to attach a label to a specified geographic point.

For example, if you want to label the city of New York on a map of the United States, you can use the following code:

label define citylabels 1 "New York"
label value statefips citylabels

scatteri ny_lat ny_long, mlabel(citylabels) mlabsize(medlarge) mlabposition(6) mlabcolor(black) ///

In this code, "mapus" is used to create a map of the United States. The "label define" command creates a label called "citylabels" with the value of 1 being assigned to "New York". The "label value" command assigns the "citylabels" label to the statefips variable.

Finally, the "scatteri" command is used to create a scatterplot of the geographic point for New York. The "mlabel" option is used to attach the "citylabels" label to the point, with "mlabsize", "mlabposition", and "mlabcolor" options used to specify the size, position, and color of the label, respectively. The "msymbol(i)" option is used to plot an "i" marker symbol at the geographic point.