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There are several potential problems with using JWT for ASP.NET authentication, including:

  1. Security vulnerabilities: Depending on how the JWT is created, implemented and validated, there may be security risks with the use of JWT for authentication. For example, if the server doesn't properly validate the JWT, someone could create a fake token and gain unauthorized access.

  2. Complexity: JWT authentication can be complex to set up and manage, requiring knowledge of encryption and security best practices. This can be a challenge for developers who are not experienced in these areas.

  3. Scalability: JWT tokens can become large, especially when containing a lot of user data. This can lead to performance issues and scalability problems if not properly managed.

  4. Lack of standardization: There are different approaches to JWT authentication, and not all third-party tools and libraries may implement it in the same way. This can cause compatibility issues and make it harder to integrate different systems.

  5. Token expiration: JWT tokens have a fixed expiration time, and they cannot be revoked once issued. This means that if a token is stolen or compromised, it could be used to access resources until it expires.