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To rearrange the product attribute terms in WooCommerce, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Products > Attributes section.

  2. Select the attribute that you want to rearrange the terms for and click on the Edit button next to it.

  3. On the Edit Attribute page, scroll down to the Terms section where all the attribute terms are listed.

  4. To rearrange the order of the attribute terms, simply click and drag the terms to the desired position.

  5. Once you have rearranged the terms, click on the Update button to save the changes.

  6. You can now go to the product page and add the attribute to the product. The attribute terms will be displayed in the order that you rearranged them in.

Note: If your attribute terms are not arranged numerically, WooCommerce will sort them based on alphabetical order by default. However, rearranging them manually will override this default sorting order.