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There are several ways to update an image in WPF, including:

  1. Updating the ImageSource property: The most common way to update an image is to change the ImageSource property of the Image control. This can be done by creating a new BitmapImage or other ImageSource object and setting it as the value of the ImageSource property.

  2. Binding the ImageSource property to a property in the view model: Another way to update an image is to bind the ImageSource property to a property in the view model. When the property in the view model changes, the binding automatically updates the image.

  3. Using a BitmapImage and updating its URI: If the image file is located at a URL or file path, a BitmapImage can be created and its URI can be updated to point to the new file. This will cause the image to reload from the new location.

  4. Using a WriteableBitmap and updating its pixels: If the image is a dynamically generated bitmap, a WriteableBitmap can be created and its pixels can be updated directly. This can be useful for animating or updating parts of an image in real time.