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There are several reasons why a React code may result in an endless loop:

  1. Improper use of setState(): If you call setState() inside a component's render() method or inside a lifecycle method that gets called when the component updates, it can trigger an infinite loop.

  2. Incorrect dependencies in useEffect(): React's useEffect() hook takes an array of dependencies as its second argument. If these dependencies do not change correctly, it can cause an infinite loop.

  3. Improper use of useMemo() or useCallback(): If you improperly use the useMemo() or useCallback() hook, it can lead to an infinite loop.

  4. Circular dependencies: If two or more components depend on each other, it can cause an infinite loop.

  5. Improper use of recursion: If you write recursive functions improperly, it can lead to infinite recursion and an eventual stack overflow.

To identify and fix the root cause of your endless loop, you may need to inspect your code carefully and use debugging tools like the React DevTools extension.