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There could be several reasons why your controller is providing an HTML page instead of JSON. Some possible reasons are:

  1. Incorrect Content-Type: Your controller may be sending the wrong Content-Type header. If it is set to "text/html" instead of "application/json", the browser will interpret the response as an HTML page.

  2. Incorrect Method: The method being called by your controller may be returning an HTML page instead of JSON. Check your code to ensure that the method is returning the correct data type.

  3. Template Rendering: Your controller might be rendering an HTML template instead of returning a JSON response. This can happen if your code is configured to render templates instead of returning data.

  4. Routing Issue: The route being called by your controller may be incorrect. Ensure that the route is pointing to the correct method and that it is returning a JSON response.

To fix the issue, you may need to adjust the settings in your code or check the configuration of your server or framework.