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To produce a shinyglide screen using a numericInput, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install and load the shinyglide package in your R environment:
  1. Create a Shiny app and define a numericInput as the input element:
ui <- fluidPage(
  numericInput("number", "Enter a number:", value = 1)
  1. Add a shinyglide layout to the app using the glideLayout function, and include the numericInput inside a slide:
ui <- fluidPage(
    slide("Slide 1",
          numericInput("number", "Enter a number:", value = 1)
  1. Run the Shiny app using the shinyApp function:
server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

Now you should see a shinyglide screen with a numericInput as the input element. You can add more slides to the glide layout using the slide function, and include more input/output elements or any other Shiny UI components in each slide.