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There could be several reasons why ESLint is not detecting syntax errors on Nvim. Here are a few possible solutions that you can try:

  1. Check your settings: Make sure that your Nvim and ESLint settings are properly configured. You can check your settings by opening your .eslintrc file and ensure that you have enabled the appropriate ESLint rules.

  2. Install ESLint globally: Ensure that you have installed ESLint globally on your system. If not, open your terminal and run the command npm install eslint -g.

  3. Install ESLint plugin: Install the ESLint plugin for Nvim. You can do this by adding the plugin to your .vimrc file or by using your favorite plugin manager.

  4. Install a syntax checker plugin: Install a syntax checker plugin like Syntastic or ALE to help detect syntax errors. These plugins provide automated syntax checking for different programming languages.

  5. Restart Nvim: Sometimes, restarting Nvim can fix syntax error detection issues.

  6. Check for errors manually: Lastly, you can also check for syntax errors manually by reviewing your code line by line. This is a time-consuming process but can help identify and fix errors that ESLint might have missed.