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There are several methods for linking modified data in Power BI without encountering errors. Here are a few:

  1. Use unique keys: Make sure that each row has a unique identifier, such as an ID or a combination of columns that create a unique key. This will help Power BI to correctly map and link the data.

  2. Use proper data types: Ensure that the data types in the modified data match the data types in the original data source. For example, if a column in the original data source is a date type, make sure that the modified data column is also a date type.

  3. Use the same column names: When modifying data, make sure that the column names in the modified data match the column names in the original data source. This will ensure that Power BI can correctly link the data.

  4. Use the same schema: Ensure that the modified data has the same schema as the original data source. This means that the data should have the same number and type of columns, and they should be in the same order.

  5. Refresh the data: Once you have modified the data, refresh the data source in Power BI to ensure that the changes are recognized correctly.

By following these best practices, you can successfully link modified data in Power BI without encountering errors.