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One approach for generating random intervals between processes in C by utilizing a message queue could involve the following steps:

  1. Create a message queue using the msgget() function.

  2. Spawn multiple child processes using the fork() function.

  3. Within each child process, generate a random interval using the rand() function.

  4. Send the random interval as a message to the parent process using the msgsnd() function.

  5. In the parent process, receive the messages from each child process using the msgrcv() function.

  6. Start the next process based on the interval received from the child process.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until all of the child processes have completed.

It would be important to properly handle any errors that may occur during the message queue operations, such as message queue full or invalid message contents. Additionally, the range of the random intervals generated could be customized using the srand() function to set a seed for the random number generator.