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To present data in a jade template using information from a SQLite database, follow these steps:

  1. Install and configure the sqlite3 module in your Node.js project.

  2. Connect to the SQLite database using the sqlite3 module.

  3. Write a SQL query to retrieve the required data from the database.

  4. Pass the data obtained from the query as an object to the jade template.

  5. In the jade template, use jade syntax to iterate over the data and display it as desired.

For example, let's say we have a table named "students" in our SQLite database with columns named "name", "age", and "gender". We want to display the data of all students in a table on our web page. We can achieve this as follows:

  1. Install the sqlite3 module using the npm command:
npm install sqlite3
  1. Connect to the SQLite database in our Node.js project as shown below:
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var db = new sqlite3.Database('path/to/database');
  1. Write a SQL query to retrieve the data of all students from the "students" table, as shown below:
var sql = "SELECT name, age, gender FROM students";
db.all(sql, [], function(err, rows) {
    if(err) {
    } else {
        res.render('students', {students: rows});
  1. Pass the data obtained from the query as an object to the jade template named "students.jade". We have named the object "students", as shown below:
res.render('students', {students: rows});
  1. In the jade template, iterate over the "students" object using jade syntax and display the data in a table as shown below:
    th Name
    th Age
    th Gender
  each student in students
      td= student.age
      td= student.gender

The above jade code will generate an HTML table displaying the data of all students retrieved from the SQLite database.