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Here are the general steps involved in generating and exporting a CSV file in Flutter:

  1. Install the flutter_csv package to handle CSV data.

  2. Write a dart class/object that fetches or generates the data to be exported in CSV format.

  3. Create a CSV formatter instance from the flutter_csv package and use it to convert the data into CSV.

  4. Export the CSV data as a text file using the dart:io library.

  5. Use the native system file picker to allow the user to select the export location.

  6. Request the appropriate file write permissions (depends on platform).

  7. Write the CSV data to the designated file location.

  8. Notify the user of the successful export and provide an option to open the file.

Overall, the process involves converting your data into CSV format, exporting it as a text file, and enabling the user to select the export location and grant necessary file write permissions.