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There are a couple of potential solutions to this issue:

  1. Upgrade Selenium to the latest version: The 'addexperimentaloption' method was introduced in Selenium 2.47, so if you are using an older version of Selenium, this method may not be available. Upgrading to the latest version of Selenium may resolve the issue.

  2. Install the 'chromedriver-helper' package: If you are using ChromeDriver as your WebDriver, installing the 'chromedriver-helper' package may resolve the issue. This package takes care of downloading and installing the appropriate version of Chromedriver based on your Chrome browser version, and it includes the latest version of Selenium.

  3. Check your import statements: Ensure that you are importing the correct classes and methods from the 'selenium.webdriver' module. Specifically, you should be importing 'webdriver' and 'Options' as follows:

    from selenium import webdriver
    from import Options

By following these steps, the 'addexperimentaloption' attribute should be present in the 'Options' object in Selenium Python.