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Debezium can attempt to reconnect when there is a degraded connection to Kafka by using the following strategies:

  1. Automatic reconnection: Debezium has an automatic reconnection mechanism that allows it to reconnect to Kafka in case of a degraded connection. This mechanism works by attempting to reconnect periodically based on a pre-defined interval.

  2. Network connection monitoring: Debezium can monitor the network connection to Kafka and adapt its reconnection strategy accordingly. For example, if it detects a network issue, it can try to reconnect more frequently or with different settings.

  3. Circuit breaking: Debezium can also use a circuit breaker pattern to prevent continuous attempts to connect to Kafka when it is not possible. The circuit breaker can be configured to trip when it detects repeated failures, and it can then switch to a fallback mechanism until the connection is restored.

By using these strategies, Debezium can maintain a stable connection to Kafka even in the face of network disruptions or other issues that can affect connectivity.