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In a Laravel Blade template, you can modify an HTML attribute by using the @php directive to write PHP code within the Blade template. Here's an example:

<img src="{{ $image->src }}" alt="{{ $image->alt }}" @php
    $classes = '';
    if ($image->is_featured) {
        $classes .= 'featured ';
    if ($image->is_external) {
        $classes .= 'external ';
    echo 'class="' . trim($classes) . '"';

In this example, we're using an @php directive to write some PHP code that will modify the class attribute of the img element. We're checking some properties of the $image object (which could be anything you like) to determine whether to add certain classes to the class attribute. We're concatenating all the necessary classes together in a $classes variable, then trimming it and echoing it out as the value of the class attribute. You could use a similar approach to modify any other attributes in your HTML templates.