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Python requests and axios both allow developers to make HTTP requests, including POST requests. However, there are some distinctions between the two.

Python requests:

  • Python requests is a library that allows developers to easily send HTTP requests using Python.
  • To make a POST request with Python requests, developers need to use the function.
  • Data can be sent with the data parameter as a dictionary, or with the json parameter as a JSON object.
  • Authentication can also be added with the auth parameter.


  • Axios is a JavaScript library for making HTTP requests from a browser or Node.js.
  • To make a POST request with axios, developers need to first create an instance of the axios library, then call the function.
  • Data can be sent by passing an object as the second argument to the function.
  • Authentication can be added with the auth key in the headers object.

Overall, both Python requests and Axios can be used to make POST requests, but the syntax and required parameters differ slightly.