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To reindex an array in PHP in such a way that the indexes start from 1, you can simply use the array_values() function. This function returns a new array containing all the values of the original array, with numeric keys starting from 0 and increments by 1. By subtracting 1 from all the keys of the resulting array, we can reindex the array with keys starting from 1.

Here's an example code:

$myArray = array("apple", "banana", "cherry");
$reindexedArray = array_values($myArray);
$finalArray = array_combine(range(1, count($reindexedArray)), $reindexedArray);


    [1] => apple
    [2] => banana
    [3] => cherry

In this example, we first get the reindexed array using the array_values() function. Then, we use the array_combine() function to combine the numeric array keys starting from 1 with the values of the reindexed array, creating a new array with keys starting from 1.