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The relationship between EOQ and quantity discounts can be graphically represented using Python by creating a plot of the total inventory cost as a function of the order quantity, for different discount levels. The plot will have a U-shaped curve, where the minimum point represents the EOQ. As the discount level increases, the curve will shift down, because the cost per unit decreases.

Here's a Python code snippet that creates such a plot:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define parameters
demand = 600
ordering_cost = 30
holding_cost = 0.5
prices = [100, 95, 90, 85, 80]
quantities = [0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000]

# Compute total cost for each order quantity and discount level
def total_cost(quantity, price):
    q = quantity
    tc = (ordering_cost * demand / q) + (holding_cost * q / 2) + (demand * price)
    return tc

costs = np.zeros((len(prices), len(quantities)))
for i in range(len(prices)):
    for j in range(len(quantities)):
        costs[i,j] = total_cost(quantities[j], prices[i])

# Plot total cost as a function of order quantity, for each discount level
for i in range(len(prices)):
    plt.plot(quantities, costs[i,:], label='Price = {}'.format(prices[i]))
plt.xlabel('Order quantity')
plt.ylabel('Total inventory cost')

The resulting plot should look like this:

EOQ and quantity discounts plot