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There could be several reasons why the state is not being emitted by the function of BloC Cubit in Flutter. Some possible reasons could be:

  1. The state is not being updated in the function: If the state object is not being updated within the function, then there will be no change to emit.

  2. The emit function is not being called: The emit function must be called in the function to notify listeners of a state change. If it is not being called, the state will not be emitted.

  3. The state is not being properly defined: If the state class is not defined correctly, it could lead to errors when emitting the state.

  4. The BlocProvider is not being used properly: If the BlocProvider is not implemented correctly, it could cause errors when emitting the state.

  5. There are no listeners subscribed to the Cubit: If there are no listeners subscribed to the Cubit, then the state change will not be detected.