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To execute multiple test-classes in a single APK on Firebase Test Lab for Flutter integration tests, you can create a single test suite that includes all the test classes you want to execute.

To create a test suite, you can add the following code to your integration_test\flutter_test_config.dart file:

import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'class1_test.dart' as class1;
import 'class2_test.dart' as class2;

void main() {
  group('My Test Suite', () {

In this example, the group method creates a test suite called My Test Suite, and the main method for each test class is called within the group method.

When you run the flutter build apk command to build your APK, it will include all the test classes in the test suite. You can then upload this APK to Firebase Test Lab for execution.