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Yes, here is an example LISP code to display the even numbers from a list of 10 values:

(defun even-numbers (lst)
  (cond ((null lst) nil)
        ((evenp (car lst)) (cons (car lst) (even-numbers (cdr lst))))
        (t (even-numbers (cdr lst)))))

(setq lst '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))

(print (even-numbers lst))


  1. We define a function called even-numbers which takes a single argument lst. This function will use recursion to traverse the list and find the even numbers.

  2. In the first line inside the function, we check if the input list is null. If it is, we return nil.

  3. The evenp function takes a single argument and checks if it is even. We use it to check if the first element of lst is even or not.

  4. If it is even, we add it to the list of even numbers by using the cons function, and then call even-numbers again with the rest of the list (i.e., without the first element).

  5. If the first element is not even, we call even-numbers again with the rest of the list.

  6. Finally, we call the print function to display the list of even numbers.