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There are a few ways to secure a Rhino Script (rvb) file:

  1. Obfuscate the code: This involves changing the code so that it is more difficult to read and understand. There are tools available that can do this for you.

  2. Password-protect the file: You can set a password for your rvb file that only allows authorized users to access and modify it.

  3. Convert the script to a plug-in: You can convert your rvb file to a plug-in that can only be accessed through Rhino's plug-in manager. This makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to modify the script.

  4. Use a license agreement: You can create a license agreement that governs the use of your script. This can help deter unauthorized use and distribution of your code.

  5. Store the script on a secure server: You can store your script on a secure server that requires login credentials to access. This makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to access your code.